Where Eagles Dare
Where Eagles Dare

Where Eagles dare is the fictional story of William Krecht a young
pilot in
the United States Air Force. The story
begins in Phoenix, Arizona on August 2, 1990 when Saddam Hussien Invades
Kuwait and precipatates The
Persian Gulf War.
From their we follow young Lieutenant Krecht to Saudi Arabia, and we
follow another bar patron, Susan Moore from the night in August as she
orginizes the anti-war
movement. As Lieutenant Krecht is facing death he slowly falls into the mold of soldier,
something he embraces and eventually enjoys. The series gives insight
and humanity to the mindset of the soldier. Many issues are confronted
from the morality of war, to the morality of poverty. The Television
series is based upon Soldiers of the
Skies a novel written by William R. Craft,
The Characters