Hello, my name is Zero
Welcome to my reality
On your left you'll see
Things as you wish them to be
On your right you'll see
Who I am, my mind on display
Be gentle, fair woman
My psyche is fragile
My reality is leaving
Do you wish honesty?
Or do you want reality?
We can slay reality
With the power of thought
We must insist on truth
The fire must be stopped
Our deaths can lead the way
To a rebirth, respect and wisdom
Don't take my words lightly
Baby boomers sold out
Even the hippies became
Yuppie scum Our generation
The generation of Zero
Needs to create a new reality
Say goodbye to Zero
As I die, so does my crusade
We are born with nothing, and die with less
© 1994, William R. Craft, Jr. All Rights Reserved