Why I Drink

I drink for peace
I try and quell pain that is in my heart
I reach out every chance I get
Everyday I am turned away
I drink because I am afraid to scream

Do you know true pain?
Of hiding behind a bottle of bourbon
Did you know I used to be happy?
Did you know the bottle makes me feel better

Whiskey is the drink of the gods
It lets you transform(hide)
Maybe for a moment, but a moment of peace
Is better than an eternity of Hell

I reached out for your tender face
Before I remembered you were gone
I reach out for my bottle, it never leaves me
Maybe I am a drunk and a fool
But alas I would rather die drunken and foolish
Than live sober and aware

I pour one last drink before I fade off into oblivion
And wipe the tears from my weary eye
I can not hear the wind of the lonely night

© 1998, William R. Craft, Jr. All Rights Reserved
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