The Desert
I recently took a long voyage down an old strange highway
The images became completely odd as I totally lost my way
I turned back to see if I could recognize anything that I left behind
As the desert sun became increasingly hot, I decided to lose my mind
I saw an old Indian man, so I decided to slow down
He told me that he was my conscience and the sheriff wanted me to stay out of town
The music played louder as the Indian began to sing
A giant bird dove out of the sky and towards my speeding automobile
I heard the screaming of a butterfly, this must be my mind out of control, this can't be real
The Indian began to laugh as the bird escaped with the soul of the enemy's king
In the birds evil grasp a man began to scream
As I awoke on the side of a road, the Indian was sleeping beside me
© 1993, William R. Craft, Jr. All Rights Reserved