I want Miss Crabtree to teach me how to read
Then to study the works of Fredrich Nietzsche with me
I want Gilbert and Sullivan Teach me about the Theatre
Then to help me produce a play named “Fuck Off”
I want Amos & Andy to teach me about Black America
Then to initiate me as an OG Nigga
I want Ozzy & Harriet to teach me about love & marriage
And then join me in a gang bang with Ebony Ayes
I Want Donna Reed to teach me how to make meatloaf
Then to help me make pot brownies for Halloween
I want Bing Crosby to teach me how to sing
Then to join me onstage as the opening act for Tool
I want Gene Kelly to teach me how to dance
Then to join me onstage to bump and grind with the golden girls, they swing